Pregnancy Week By Week Pictures

Calculate your due date and see which week you are in with this pregnancy week by week pictures.
Find out how your baby growth and developing week by week in this pictures, and see what he or she looks like right now!
Pregnancy Week 1
Jul 1 - Jul 7
The first day of your last menstrual bleeding period is where your pregnancy officially starts. Estrogen makes the lining of the uterus grow and thicken. This place will nourish the embryo if a pregnancy occurs. An egg in one of the ovaries starts to mature.
Pregnancy Week 2
Jul 8 - Jul 14
At about day 14, the egg leaves the ovary and travels to the uterus. This is called ovulation. If a sperm and egg join in the uterus, fertilization has occured. The sperm carries either a X or Y-chromosome, which determines your baby's gender. The fertilized egg attaches to the uterus wall where it starts to divide from a single cell.
Pregnancy Week 3
Jul 15 - Jul 21
Your baby is now a few hundreds cells big and is called a blastocyst. It receives oxygen and nutrients through tunnels that connects it to the blood vessels in your uterine wall. The hormone HCG is starting to be produced, which in high concentrations will cause a positive result of a pregnancy test.
Pregnancy Week 4
Jul 22 - Jul 28
Your baby is now an embryo at the size of a poppy seed. The amniotic sac has developed and houses your baby. It is exposed to all of your intake, so make sure to eat something good. If you take medication, you should check that it is safe to take while pregnant. There is a great chance that a pregnancy test will show a positive result.
Pregnancy Week 5
Jul 29 - Aug 4
Your embryo grows to about 5 mm. Your egg is a cluster of about 500 cells and is now fully grown into the mucous membrane of the uterus which covers the egg. The hole to the uterus cavity is closing. The embryo starts to produce hormones that stop your menstrual cycle.
Pregnancy Week 6
Aug 5 - Aug 11
You might start to feel very uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms. Your baby has already started to develop circulating blood and will now get a whole lot cuter, as it starts to sprout eyes, nose, ears, chin and cheek. It might even wiggle its primitive hands and feet.
Pregnancy Week 7
Aug 12 - Aug 18
Pregnancy symptoms may be really intense at the moment with headaches, fatigue, morning sickness, tender breasts, and cravings. Your baby is the size of a raspberry, and starting to form the facial structures as the mouth and tongue are forming. It has now got its own blood type, and muscles, bones, and organs really start to grow rapidly. Your baby's fingers and toes can now be seen.
Pregnancy Week 8
Aug 19 - Aug 25
Heavy hormonal changes will make you feel very fatigued. Nerve cells are branching out in your baby's brain, forming neural networks. The lungs are developing, and your baby is constantly moving, even though you cannot feel it yet. The embryonic tail is starting to vanish, and your baby's body is straightening out.
Pregnancy Week 9
Aug 26 - Sep 1
For the first time, you might be able to hear your baby's heartbeat using ultrasound! Imagine how small that heart is when your baby is only the size of an olive. Your baby is growing hair follicles and the genetials are also starting to develop. In a few weeks, the gender can be determined.
Pregnancy Week 10
Sep 2 - Sep 8
Your baby is really taking a human shape right now. She is only the size of a golf ball, but faster growing than ever. The arms can flex already, and indentations on the legs become knees and elbows. Its stomach now produces digestive juices. Your bump may start to show, and severe mood swings are common.
Pregnancy Week 11
Sep 9 - Sep 15
Tiny tooth buds appear under the gums, and the bones are beggining to harden. Your baby is frequently moving right now, though you cannot feel it yet. In a few weeks, all the critical parts of your baby has developed, and will only start to grow bigger. You may start to have more energy and less nausea. However, constipation may start to kick in.
Pregnancy Week 12
Sep 16 - Sep 22
Your baby's fingers begin to open and curl right now, and the kidneys begin to excrete urine into the bladder. Her eyes are moving from the side of the head to the center, and synapses in the brain are forming furiously. Also, the reflexes are being developed right now. You may start to feel heartburn, which is a burning sensation in the area around your lower throat towards the bottom of your breastbone.
Pregnancy Week 13
Sep 23 - Sep 29
Fingerprints have now been developed, and the veins and organs are visible through the very thin skin. Your baby is about the size of a chicken egg. Your second trimester starts in next week, and you are so far into pregnancy that the chance of miscarriage is getting low. Your breasts may start to make colostrum, the nutrient-rich fluid to feed your baby first few days after birth, before the milk starts to flow.
Pregnancy Week 14
Sep 30 - Oct 6
Right now, your baby might be sucking her thumb and peeing at the same time. She makes a lot of grimaces at the moment, and very tiny pieces of hair starts to cover the entire body. You have just entered your second trimester, and your energy is returning while most of the early pregnancy symptoms disappears. Your stomach may show signs of pregnancy right now, which can be a great thrill.
Pregnancy Week 15
Oct 7 - Oct 13
At the size of an apple, your baby is really starting to grow, and just about now, he might be able to hear your voice. You might notice a dark line running down your bump which some women develop during pregnancy. It is nothing to worry about and will fade away after the birth of your baby.
Pregnancy Week 16
Oct 14 - Oct 20
All limbs and joints are now fully formed. With your baby's rapid growth, he is now the size of an avocado. It is common for you to put on one pound a week. The facial muscles work great, and are really being used right now, even though your baby does not have much control over them yet.
Pregnancy Week 17
Oct 21 - Oct 27
The skeleton of your baby is changing from cartilage to bone. Even though his eyelids are shut, he can move his eyes around. A few of the first time pregnants can feel their baby wriggling around right now. This is an amazing experience, but don't worry if you can't feel anything yet. A few women will feel no signs of movements until the 25th week.
Pregnancy Week 18
Oct 28 - Nov 3
Your baby is doing a lot of activities right now. He is kicking, wiggling around and grasping his umbilical cord. Your baby starts to swallow some of the amniotic fluid, to practice sinking, which is important skill to master when born.
Pregnancy Week 19
Nov 4 - Nov 10
Your baby now has the size of a mango, and is working really hard to grow bigger and stronger. The heart is rapidly beating, much faster than your own. The skin starts to get the right color as the translucent look vanishes. You may start to feel back pain due to the increased size of your bump. It may also cause you heartburn some times.
Pregnancy Week 20
Nov 11 - Nov 17
A perfectly formed baby should now be healthy developing in your belly while making somersaults once in a while. Your baby is mainly just growing bigger, but some senses are still in development with more nerves forming in the brain, connecting to the already huge neural network.
Pregnancy Week 21
Nov 18 - Nov 24
You are more than half way through your pregnancy now! Your baby looks exactly like a new born baby, except that it is only the size of a grapefruit. The digestion system has now really kicked in, and small amounts of sugar is actually absorbed through swallowed amniotic flluid.
Pregnancy Week 22
Nov 25 - Dec 1
The nerves in the fingers have developed and your baby is now aware of touching things it can't see. Your baby weights around a pound and has bright white hair right now, but this may soon begin to change. Your blood pressure is lowering which may cause you to feel dissy sometimes. Be careful not rising up too suddenly.
Pregnancy Week 23
Dec 2 - Dec 8
Right now, at the size of a large mango, your baby has a well developed sense of movement and will feel every little step you take. Blood vessels develop in the lungs which will be important when starting to breathe. Your baby will actually get familiar with loud noises such as a barking dog and be less scared when hearing them outside the womb.
Pregnancy Week 24
Dec 9 - Dec 15
The skin starts to be less translucent and your baby's eyes may start moving around, looking in all possible directions. Right now, your baby is almost just a smaller version of the final result. Only a few minor improvements will be developed, and if your baby was born now, it would survive with a chance of about 50 %.
Pregnancy Week 25
Dec 16 - Dec 22
Your baby is changing it's long lean look by starting to gain some body fat. Small blood vessels are forming under the skin, turning it more pink. In the lungs, the blood vessels are rapidly spreading out, getting prepared for the first breath. Also, the nostrils are starting to open.
Pregnancy Week 26
Dec 23 - Dec 29
It is very common that your baby's eyes open right now. For the first time, it will be able to see, but unfortunately everything is dark in the womb. The color in the eye has not been produced yet and will gradually appear during the next one or two months.
Pregnancy Week 27
Dec 30 - Jan 5
Once in a while, you may feel a little jump in your bump as your baby hiccups! The hiccup is silent since your baby is breathing amniotic fluid and not air.
Pregnancy Week 28
Jan 6 - Jan 12
The brain in your baby is so advanced that your baby sometimes will dream while sleeping. From now on, your pregnancy may start to be a little uncomfortable due to the many kicks from your baby and a small backache. As your baby slides into position for birth, its head may rest on the sciatic nerve on your spine, causing pain from your buttock and all the way down your legs.
Pregnancy Week 29
Jan 13 - Jan 19
The amount of body fat in your baby is around 3.5%. Its spleen is now in charge of building important components for its blood. Your life is changing a bit, as you need to go to the restroom very often at the moment. One hour without peeing is considered lucky. Your boobs, butt, and belly has grown much now. All the extra weight may cause you a great pain in your back.
Pregnancy Week 30
Jan 20 - Jan 26
What a milestone you have reached, having only 10 weeks left and beeing 75 % through pregnancy. Your baby is constantly growing and your uterus will expand underneath your rib cage to make space for it. Your baby can focus on and follow a light source with its eyes. Hormones in your body may cause your feet to grow one size larger, which is typically a permanent change.
Pregnancy Week 31
Jan 27 - Feb 2
At this point, your baby is slowing down its growth in length and prepare to increase its weight drastically. During these last 9 weeks, its weight will typically more than double! At any time, your baby can make its last somersault coming to rest upside down, its position until birth.
Pregnancy Week 32
Feb 3 - Feb 9
The digestive system is up and running, and your baby is intensively practicing techniques for breathing and swallowing, which are crucial to know at the moment of birth. The many blood vessels and the amount of fat getting stored is giving the skin its final look.
Pregnancy Week 33
Feb 10 - Feb 16
Your baby closes its eyes while sleeping, and opens them again when waking up. With a uterus wall getting thinner and thinner, more lights will penetrate and help your baby differentiate day from night. Antibodies are being transferred from your body to your baby's, building up it's very own immune system.
Pregnancy Week 34
Feb 17 - Feb 23
Your belly is carrying an amazing little baby with tiny fingernails and toenails. A layer of fat is growing beneath your baby's skin, which will help it maintain the right body temperature. Your vision may get a little blurred due to hormonal changes, but it typically wears off short after birth. If you have been sitting or lying down for some time, don't jump up too quickly.
Pregnancy Week 35
Feb 24 - Mar 2
Right now, your little one has a fully developed set of kidneys, and the liver is functioning and producing waste on its own. The soft hair that once covered your baby's body is now gone. There is not much space in your womb anymore. Your uterus is adding pressure to many of your organs, and the high pressure on your uterus will make you pee even more often.
Pregnancy Week 36
Mar 3 - Mar 9
You can actually feel by your baby's hiccups that it has turned upside down, ready for birth. Your baby consists of many soft structures which eases the movement through the birth canal. Also the skull bones have not been fused together yet. The blood circulation is perfect, and the immune system works well enough to protect against microscopic intruders.
Pregnancy Week 37
Mar 10 - Mar 16
Many systems in your baby are functioning perfectly right now. In fact, your baby is ready for birth and it is considered at term if born right now, though the immune system may still be a little weak. One of the few functions not working perfectly yet is the digestive system, which will keep developing even after birth. In the last few weeks, still more fat is being produced which causes dimples in your baby's cute elbows and knees.
Pregnancy Week 38
Mar 17 - Mar 23
It is all just a waiting game from now on. 20 % of all babies are born before the end of week 38. Your baby's brain is being fine tuned to process all the stimulation it will receive after birth. Your baby is adding a bit more fat, and the lungs are being prepared for breathing in air for the very first time.
Pregnancy Week 39
Mar 24 - Mar 30
There is not much to say about your loved one. It is a perfectly adorable baby, ready to be born at any time. There is a 46 % chance that you have given birth before entering week 40.
Pregnancy Week 40
Mar 31 - Apr 6
Congratulations if you have already delivered a beautiful and healthy baby. If not, don't panic. About 28 % will not deliver before the end of week 40. In fact, 10 % of all women will not go into labor before the end of week 41.


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